
Before 1865

Fulham Cemetery does not exist yet. The area known as Fulham Common Fields consists of farmland and market gardens.

1837 Laurie's Plan of London

The map shows Fulham Common Fields where Fulham Cemetery is today. The West London Cemetery, what is today Brompton Cemetery, was laid out in 1837. Other interesting details include Colehill House (aka Colehill Villa), Dorset Cottage, Crabtree farm, Craven Cottage, and the Greyhound public house at the corner of Greyhound Lane. Lillie Road is still called Crown Lane.


1849 A Picturesque Tour of the River Thames in its Western Course

This map is low on detail, but it shows clusters of houses around the villages of Hammersmith, Fulham, Parsons Green, and Walham Green (today Fulham Broadway). West London Cemetery is also shown.

A Picturesque Tour of the River Thames in its Western Course; including particular descriptions of Richmond, Windsor, and Hampton Court ... Illustrated, etc, MURRAY, John Fisher. 1842

1859 Post Office Directory

Map of London published by Benjamin Rees Davies for the Post Office Directory. It shows Fulham Common Fields where Fulham Cemetery is today, and the market gardens north of Lillie Road (here still named Crown Lane).

LONDON Drawn and engraved expressly for the POST OFFICE DIRECTORY, Davies, Benjamin Rees,1859

1864 Stanfords Map of London

The area that will be occupied by the cemetery in a year's time is still completely blank, but the map is worthwhile for the level of detail of the surrounding cottages and especially the Hammersmith area, in very high resolution.

Stanford’s Library Map Of London And Its Suburbs 1864; Showing All The Proposed Metropolitan Railways and Improvements.

After 1865

Fulham Cemetery was established on 3 August 1865, and enlarged in 1874 and 1880. ⭐️ = Recommended

⭐️ 1865 Ordnance Survey map of London

The Ordnance Survey map of London in 1865 shows Fulham Cemetery in its original size before the extensions of 1874 and 1880, with both Episcopal and Dissenters' chapels. Lillie Road is still called Crown Road. The Crabtree, Dorset, and Rosebank farms are shown in great detail.

London (First Editions c1850s) LII (includes: Fulham; Hammersmith) - 25 Inch Map

1865-6 Middlesex Sheet XXI

This map shows Fulham Cemetery soon after its opening in its original size. Details of the surrounding farms and cottages are also shown. Fuham Recreation Ground (Lillie Rec) does not yet exist, it opened in 1892.

 Middlesex Sheet XXI.  Surveyed: 1865 to 1866, Published: 1873

1872 Middlesex Sheet XXI

This map also shows Fulham Cemetery in its original size, before the extension of 1874. All the cemetery paths are shown as tree-lined avenues, although it's unclear if this reflected the reality or just illustration.

Stanford’s Library Map Of London And Its Suburbs

1878 Stanfords Map of London

The extension to Munster Road in 1874 and the east lodge is shown. This is before the southward extension (1880) and the construction of the mortuaries.

⭐️ 1894-96 Ordnance Survey map of London

The Ordnance Survey map of London in 1897 shows the extension to Munster Road (1874) with a lodge by the gate and two mortuaries, as well as the southward extension (1880). The layout of the paths matches that of the present day. Fulham Recreation Ground (Lillie Rec) is shown, opened in 1892. Lillie Road now has its present-day name.

This map also includes Hammersmith Cemetery (now Margravine Cemetery) which was opened in 1869.

1912 Ordnance Survey map of London

This map does not show much detail of the cemetery, but the staggering transformation of Fulham from farmland to dense residential streets over the preceding 20 years is evident. Gone is Crabtree Farm, the last farm in use (until 1910). Gone is the Munster Road Nursery. You can see Fulham Cross school, built in 1908, and the Lillie Rec bandstand. 

London Sheet N - OS Six-Inch Map

1915 Ordnance Survey map of London VIII.3

This map from 1915 shows the cemetery layout in good detail, with both chapels, both mortuaries, and both lodges.

London (1915- Numbered sheets) VIII.3 Revised: 1913, Published: 1935

Modern maps

Section Layout, 2002

London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham: Fulham Cemetery Section Layout, Jul 2002. 

Location Plan, 2007

London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham: Margravine & Fulham Cemeteries Location Plan, Nov 2007

Fulham Cemetery interactive map

Fulham Cemetery Friends maintain this custom Google map to catalogue the cemetery's existing features and for future planning.

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