Historic photos

Old photos of Fulham Cemetery


From Fulham Old & NewCharles James Fèret, 1900 (vol.iii pp.40-41) • Read online at the Wellcome Collection

(Above) The Principal Entrance, Fulham Cemetery. From a photograph by Mr. J. Dugdale, 1897

(Right) A corner of Fulham Cemetery. Mr. J. Dugdale, 1897

Church of England Chapel, From a photograph by Mr. H. Ambridge.

The Principal Avenue, Fulham Cemetery. From a photograph by Mr. J. Dugdale, 1897

Old Fulham by Francis Czucha

The SW6 of yesteryear is celebrated in Old Fulham by former resident and passionate social historian Francis Czucha – a book packed with nostalgic images of a bygone era.

Photo album on FlickrBuy on AmazonArticle on LBHF website

The flowerbeds outside the principal entrance were not added yet. Today this crescent is paved and the bins have been removed.

Old signboard can be seen on the right hand side, and the ivy-covered lodge is accessible.

Cemetery sign, taken in 2010