Tree watering & caretaking

☘️ Regular caretaking / gardening days: Sundays 2-3pm ☘️

Totally optional! There is no obligation to take part, only come along if you feel like the exercise or meeting other Friends. Tools are available in the waiting room, but bring your own gloves.

Watering young trees during summer

The initial impetus for the formation of Fulham Cemetery Friends was the planting of 36 new trees in winter 2023/24, after a long period of decline in the cemetery's trees. We would love to see the trees survive and thrive, so volunteers are watering the trees regularly over summer.

For years, the number of trees in the cemetery has been declining, with no new trees planted to replace losses. But in the winter of 2023 the council planted 36 new trees in the cemetery.

The Arboricultural Association advises that young trees need regular watering during spring and summer, in the first 3 years after planting. This is not always done by the council. Regular watering by volunteers is critical if the trees are to survive.

As a general rule, a young tree should receive at least 50 litres of water per week in May, June, July and August.

By coordinating our efforts, this task becomes manageable. We have set up a tree watering rota so members can "adopt" trees for watering, ensuring that none are overlooked or overwatered.

Please fill in the form if you would like to help!

👏 September 2024 update: all 36 trees survived the summer! 👏

Thanks to the efforts of our dedicated team of volunteers, no trees were lost over the summer – well done! Watering will continue until the end of September.

Tree watering: guidance for volunteers

Read more: Tree watering guidance for volunteers 👉

Volunteers can access the waiting room, which has watering cans, short hoses, and bowser.
The water bowser is used for trees that are furthest from the water points.
Each tree has a label affixed with the tree’s number, and who is watering it.


If a grave is just beginning to be covered by ivy or bramble, this can be carefully removed without damaging the stone. Badly overgrown monuments are left alone.

Fulham Cemetery Friends help to keep the cemetery tidy with occasional gardening and caretaking jobs such as: 

We liaise with the Council and their contractors to ensure that we follow their guidelines for any work:

Caretaking in the cemetery is completely voluntary. Friends are under no obligation to take part. More guidance is available for volunteers.

☘️ Regular caretaking / gardening days: Sundays 2-3pm ☘️

Totally optional! There is no obligation to take part, only come along if you feel like the exercise or meeting other Friends. Tools are available in the waiting room, but bring your own gloves.

Protecting trees

(Left) Where tree branches are harmed by their wire guards, this can be cut away with pliers or cushioned with a piece of fabric.

Bramble survey

In July 2024 we surveyed where bramble is spreading in the cemetery (right).

Bramble (blackberries) is beneficial for wildlife and for foraging, but we would like to gradually remove it (pink areas) from next to paths, where it creates accessibility hazards and covers up graves, losing our historical heritage. We also want to  prevent it from spreading further. Other areas (yellow) will be left alone.

Bramble clearance near the war memorial by volunteers during January 2025

Council maintenance

Regular maintenance in the cemetery is done by the council's contractors Idverde (general caretaking) and Red Squirrel (tree works). For any questions, contact 

Overgrown graves on the southwest path in May 2024
The same graves in October 2024

Ivy and bramble clearance

During autumn 2024 council contractors have done extensive clearance of ivy and bramble from graves, especially in the southwest corner of the cemetery.

The long-term effect of this remains to be seen, as the clearance is superficial only and plants will regrow from the roots within a season, but the Friends will aim to keep these areas cleared by cutting new shoots as they appear, and checking that the council continues to maintain it.

Clearing overgrown kerbs on the Munster Road avenue
Clearing overgrown kerbs on the northeast path next to the war plot

Clearing kerbs

During December and January 2025 the council has been cutting back the grass overgrowing the kerbstones along the asphalt paths. This makes the cemetery look much neater. It is surprising to realise that there are kerbstones under the grass!

Other works

The council is planning the following improvements pending budgetary approval: