Third meeting of the FCF on Sunday 23 June
Thanks to everyone who came to our third meeting this morning at Fulham Cross School.
There were 12 of us: Francois, Kelly, Richard, Jan & George, Marianne & Noel, Brigid & Will, Vanessa, Annie, and Maya.
Apologies: Lisa B, Judy, Lucie, Rebecca, Anna, Jonny, Catherine, Melissa, Annabel, Keith, Lisa F
We discussed:
The chapel – apparently it’s on the market? Find out more.
Difficult to access the trees in the north of the cemetery (chestnut & maple, watered by Annie). Ask the council to mow a path?
Tree watering – seems to be going OK. Remember that if you are going to be away, let us know so someone else can take over your trees. You are also free to apply to reduce your workload given that there are more potential volunteers available.
The waiting room door sticks sometimes. Francois or Kelly will affix a handle, and also give the keys a flexible keyring so the lockbox is easier to close.
We talked about the potential for guided walks in the cemetery. Hammersmith BID is not the best option as they are Hammersmith focused. But among us we have people who can give a tour of the trees and graves. (The best person to lead a bird walk, Louis, is currently still in the Amazon. Follow his photos on Instagram!)
We can combine a walk with a summer social event – finish the walk in the cemetery with some drinks.
The event could be advertised locally, eg. Fulham Society and council newsletters, and posters on the gates.
We spoke about asking the council's contractors Idverde and Red Squirrel regarding their schedule of works, so that we can have some input regarding e.g. tree pruning and mowing.
We would like to clear brambles in some areas especially where it blocks pathways, but we need to check with the council what their advice is about this.
Clearing bramble or ivy from graves is risky as they are private property and easily damaged, so it's best not to attempt.
We discussed the possibility of funding an information board for the cemetery. The Fulham Society may be able to help with this. Margravine Cemetery recently added a beautiful wildlife board (photo), and Brompton Cemetery has many excellent information boards (photos).
We should find out about installing bird boxes and insect boxes (here's one I recently saw in Russell Square). Look into fundraising.
George suggested that we plant more bulbs in the cemetery in autumn / winter. Bulbs may already be available to pre-purchase. It would be good to establish snowdrops. We can check with Idverde regarding locations and assistance.
There is a layer on the interactive map showing areas where bulbs are already planted. (I think good potential spaces are south of the central avenue near trees 8 and 9, and near the chapel, and along the Munster Road avenue.)
To find out more of the history of the cemetery and local area, Maya suggested inviting Keith on a walk, as he knows more local history than anyone else.